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WEIRD SCIENCE Arrow Blu-ray Review

It was a joy revisiting this quintessential ’80s film, and while it doesn’t hold up as well as some other classics of the decade, Arrow did a great job restoring it and presenting a lovingly crafted package celebrating this piece of comedy history in a definitive edition.

8 FILM 01 6.5

Fantasia 2019: 8 Review

Atmospheric and unsettling, 8 utilizes moody visuals and excellent sound design to deliver a satisfying folk-horror story that, while inconsistent, is well worth a look.

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Fantasia 2019: DREADOUT Review

Dreadout isn’t without its charms, but the grating, surface-level characters and uninteresting narrative make it a horror title that has some fun set pieces but offers little in the way of lasting power or memorability.    

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Fantasia 2019: SADAKO Review

Sadako begins tempting enough, with a decent setup and a few effective scares, but as the runtime progresses, it slowly derails into a slog that makes Sadako vs. Kayako look like the most logical movie in existence. 


NYAFF 2019: FURIE Review

Like some kind of badass Vietnamese version of Taken, Le-Van Kiet’s Furie brings fast, fluid action with a heavy dose of style to make it a martial arts bonanza that’s not one to be missed.