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NYAFF 2017: KFC Review

Kfc had me from the get-go. It opens with four separate and repetitive title cards adamantly announcing and insisting that this film bears no resemblance to past events or people. And you can understand why writer/director Le Binh Giang had to do this, as the script kept him from graduating film school due to it being deemed too violent by the Vietnamese Council of Examiners.

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Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise is going to be looked back on by film scholars as one of the most peculiar artifacts of our current blockbuster era. The first film, while critically divisive, is still looked back upon positively by most audiences. The same cannot be said about Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon, which are regarded as something between messy and boring, two qualities that do not befit Michael Bay’s filmography.

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DRONE Review

Jason Bourque’s latest film, Drone, is an unfortunately boring addition to recent films interrogating the impacts of drone warfare on the pilots and decision makers.

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Thomas Vinterberg’s latest, The Commune (or Kollektivet), both feels out of place and perfectly placed in his filmography.

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The Drowning uses every trope in the book, throwing everything at the screen, hoping something might stick.