Grindhouse Weekly: SLAUGHTER HIGH

Grindhouse Weekly: SLAUGHTER HIGH

Naturally, with Halloween coming up in just a few days, we picked a film that takes place on April Fools’ Day for this week’s Grindhouse Weekly- 1986’s Slaughter High.  Much like Cloud Atlas, this campy Friday the 13th clone featured such an

Giveaway: Win a Copy of THE CONJURING on Blu-Ray

Giveaway: Win a Copy of THE CONJURING on Blu-Ray

We have one copy of James Wan‘s The Conjuring to give out to one lucky reader who checks out these 5 animated gifs released in promotion of the film hitting DVD and Blu-Ray.  You can enter now through November 11th, so hit

Kickstart Sunday: WORLD 1-1

Kickstart Sunday: WORLD 1-1

This week’s Kickstart Sunday pick is the video game documentary World 1-1.  This film by Jeanette Garcia and Daryl Rodriguez chronicles the early days of video games, before the days of next gen consoles and achievement points.

This Kickstarter

Grindhouse Weekly: THE DRILLER KILLER

Grindhouse Weekly: THE DRILLER KILLER

Many people know director Abel Ferrara for his provocative films like Bad Lieutenant and King of New York, but this week in the Grindhouse we’re going to be looking at one of his very first films, The Driller Killer.  This dirty video

Kickstart Sunday: WHY HORROR?

Kickstart Sunday: WHY HORROR?

This week’s Kickstart Sunday pick is the documentary Why Horror? from director Rob Lindsay.  The film follows horror journalist Tal Zimerman as he explores why people love horror so much.  With interviews from some of the biggest names in

Grindhouse Weekly: ALICE, SWEET ALICE

Grindhouse Weekly: ALICE, SWEET ALICE

Demented children, creepy masks, yellow rain coats, and a ten-year-old Brooke Shields, this week in the grindhouse we’re taking a look at the 1976 horror classic Alice, Sweet Alice by Alfred Sole.  Probably the closest thing I’ve ever seen to American

Grindhouse Weekly: SPIDER BABY

Grindhouse Weekly: SPIDER BABY

With Halloween approaching, we’ll be covering nothing but horror films in the grindhouse for the entire month of October.  To kick off the month, I checked out the 1968 film Spider Baby, or the Maddest Story Ever Told, written and directed

Kickstart Sunday: RICH HILL

Kickstart Sunday: RICH HILL

This week’s Kickstart Sunday pick comes to us from Tracy Droz Tragos and Andrew Droz Palermo, directors of the feature length documentary Rich HillRich Hill follows the struggles of three teenage boys in Rich Hill Missouri, a town

Grindhouse Weekly: CLASS OF 1984

Grindhouse Weekly: CLASS OF 1984

Just a few weeks ago, we discussed the Canadian exploitation film Screwballs, which wasn’t the best way to jump into Canuxploitation, so we’re trying again this week with Mark L. Lester’s Class of 1984.  Completely by coincidence, this film features a

Kickstart Sunday: VOLATILE

Kickstart Sunday: VOLATILE

This week’s Kickstart Sunday pick is the upcoming feature length thriller Volatile from directors Ludwig and Paul Shammasian.  The film revolves around a bouncer whose house becomes burgled, and the obsessive quest he begins to get his stuff back

Grindhouse Weekly: IT’S ALIVE

Grindhouse Weekly: IT’S ALIVE

This week in the grindhouse we’re exploring the evil mutant baby film It’s Alive from 1974, written and directed by Larry Cohen.  Just a few weeks ago we discussed another Cohen film, Q: The Winged Serpent, which came out eight years later, however

Kickstart Sunday: UNITED SKATES

Kickstart Sunday: UNITED SKATES

This week’s Kickstart Sunday comes to us from Dyana Winkler and Tina Brown and their film United Skates.  United Skates is a documentary about the resurgence in roller skate culture and the many different styles that have formed in